Tortino di alici e scarola

I had this appetiser or ‘primi piatti’ in restaurant Dappertutto in Amsterdam. I am pretty sure the cook said it was made with spinach and not endive. I almost immediately vowed to try this at home. According to the internet endive is normally used. I made these tortinos without the ingredients I marked ‘optional’. It tasted great without, although the official recipe has parsley, capers, raisins, tomato sauce and two kinds of cheese.

Layer 1: anchovy

You need fresh anchovies. Clean the fish by breaking off the heads, clean the inside and take out the backbone. You can use your thumb for this. Set aside the cleaned fish.

Layer 2: endive

To prepare the vegetable layer sauté the finely cut endive in olive oil with minced garlic. Add pepper and salt, raisins and the pine nuts. Set aside.

Layer 3: breadcrumbs

To prepare the breadcrumb layer mix the breadcrumbs with the cheese, capers, parsley, pepper and salt and a sprinkle of good olive oil.

To assemble the pie you can use a pie shape. I just had terracotta baking dishes, and this worked out perfectly. Start with an optional layer of tomato sauce, then add a layer of breadcrumbs, a layer of endive and a layer of anchovies. Repeat and finish off with a layer of breadcrumbs.

Put in a preheated oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees Celsius. Below amount is for two servings.

  • 300 grams of fresh anchovies.

  • 60 grams of stale bread crumbs.

  • extra virgin olive oil.

  • salt and pepper.

  • garlic

  • 10 grams of grated pecorino cheese.

  • 10 grams of grated Parmesan cheese or 20 grams of either cheese.

  • chopped parsley (optional).

  • 70 grams of tomato sauce (optional).

  • a head of endive, finely cut.

  • 10 grams pine nuts.

  • raisins (optional)

  • capers in salt (optional).

The Italian menu

The concept of the Italian menu is well known. It gives you quite a freedom to choose. Secondi piatti is served without vegetables or potatoes, so you can choose which contorni (side dishes) you like. You can skip the antipasto and start with primi piatti, or you can jump from antipasto right to secondi piatti, or skip secondi piatti and order dulce right after primi piatti. The only rule seems to be is that you order caffè last.

If you travel and eat alone you're stuck with the house wine. A quarter liter for each meal was quite enough for me.

If you travel and eat alone you're stuck with the house wine. A quarter liter for each meal was quite enough for me.


Ristocamping Gran Sasso. Antipasto della casa. €10,00.

Ristocamping Gran Sasso. Antipasto della casa. €10,00.

La Taberna di Rocca Calascio. Caprese €7,00.

La Taberna di Rocca Calascio. Caprese €7,00.

Primi piatti

Agriturismo Al Borgo Restaurant. Zuppa di lenticchie con crostini. €6,00.

Agriturismo Al Borgo Restaurant. Zuppa di lenticchie con crostini. €6,00.

La Taberna di Rocca Calascio. Lenticchia di Santo Stefano di Sessanio. €7,50.

La Taberna di Rocca Calascio. Lenticchia di Santo Stefano di Sessanio. €7,50.

Ristocamping Gran Sasso. Tagliatelle allo zafferano, pesto di pomodorini secchi, ricotta salata. €10,00.

Ristocamping Gran Sasso. Tagliatelle allo zafferano, pesto di pomodorini secchi, ricotta salata. €10,00.

Secondi piatti

Residence il Palazzo. Primo sale di Pecora e Verdure. Local raw sheeps cheese, melted and served with a spoon of honey. The grilled zucchini and eggplant was amazingly good. €10,00.

Residence il Palazzo. Primo sale di Pecora e Verdure. Local raw sheeps cheese, melted and served with a spoon of honey. The grilled zucchini and eggplant was amazingly good. €10,00.

Agriturismo Al Borgo Restaurant. Agnello. Plain grilled lamb meat. €10,00.

Agriturismo Al Borgo Restaurant. Agnello. Plain grilled lamb meat. €10,00.


La Taberna di Rocca Calascio. Contorne di verdure: cicoria €4,00.

La Taberna di Rocca Calascio. Contorne di verdure: cicoria €4,00.


Residence il Palazzo. La Pizza Dolce is a typical cake from Abruzzo, which used to be eaten only at weddings. This little spongy cake was amazing. Each layer had its own consistency from soaking wet (bottom layer) to dry. €4,00.

Residence il Palazzo. La Pizza Dolce is a typical cake from Abruzzo, which used to be eaten only at weddings. This little spongy cake was amazing. Each layer had its own consistency from soaking wet (bottom layer) to dry. €4,00.