Vegetarian Ital coconut stew
"Then God said, "I give you every Seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." (Genesis 1:29)
There is no fixed list of ingredients for this Jamaican “Ital” stew in coconut milk. Quantity for 2-4 people. First fry an onion translucent in oil. Add some garlic, allspice and thyme and sauté until aromatic.
Once you have this base add two cups of coconut milk and two cups of water. Add bay leaf and green onions. Add a Scotch bonnet for heat.
Now add a selection of the following vegetables, first the hard vegetables, add the soft vegetables at the end:
Taro (2 cups).
Pumpkin (2 cups).
Okra (1 cup)
Yellow plantain.
Sweet potato
3 carrots
Collard greens; or spinach in Europe.
Simmer for a total time of about half an hour (leaf vegetables only take 5 minutes). Remove sprigs of fresh thyme, allspice, green onions and bay leaf.
Season with salt, black pepper, chopped cilantro and lime juice. Burst the Scotch bonnet before serving.
Jamaican Dutch oven made from cast aluminium. I ordered a 9,5 inch version. [ Probably due to corona they don’t ship to The Netherlands. I had to cancel my order ]