Annie's vis

If you don’t know Annie’s Place you will never find it. This Surinamese take away place is tucked away in a small nondescript building in Venserpolder, Amsterdam Zuid-Oost. The inside is very clean. One wall is filled with framed shirts signed by famous soccer players. Nobody goes to Annie’s place unannounced. You call, order and after 30 to 45 minutes you pick up your order. That’s what my co-worker who tipped me off Annie’s Place, told me to do. I ignored his advice and went there unannounced. Sub-sequentiality I had to wait 45 minutes for my fish. Okay, next time I will call beforehand.

The fish is Annie’s signature dishe. It is most likely American butterfish, fried to perfection and served with banana and cassave. The dish is a basic version of heri-heri, which consists of bakkeljauw, banana and cassava. You get three condiments: pickled cucumber, a dark brown sweet-spicy sauce and very hot yellow pepper sauce.

The butterfish was huge (the photo shows the fish on a 26 centimeter plate) and fried to perfection.


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