Homemade sateh sauce from Java

For Sateh babi (pork) or sateh ayam (chicken):

9 red shallot.
2 table spoons vegetable oil.
1 clove garlic.
3 rawits.
50 gram freshly fried peanuts.
1 teaspoon trasi bakar.
3 tablespoons kecap manis.
juice of one jeruk limo.

Cut the shallot in fine slices and fry until crispy in 1 tablespoon oil. Use a mortar to grind the garlic, rawits, fried peanuts, trasi, half of the fried shallot and 1 tablespoon oil and salt to a paste.

Transfer the paste to a bowl and add kecap manis and the juice of the jeruk limo. If the sauce is too thick add water. Pour the sauce over the sateh and sprinkle the rest of the fried shallot on top. This sauce is very sweet and spicy.

Marinade for the meat:

3 gloves of garlic, minced.
5 table spoons kecap manis.

From: De Complete Indonesische Keuken, 785 authentieke recepten van de verschillende eilanden,  Lonny Gerungan (2002).