Nieuw-Nederlandse aster
I am amazed how many plants in my father’s garden are originally non-native to Europe. Saturday morning I walked into a purple haze, another perennial started blooming in September. I identified the flower as Nieuw-Nederlandse aster. The English name is “New York aster” and the scientific name Symphyotrichum novi-belgii.
This perennial is native to eastern Canada and the eastern United States. The Dutch and Latin names refer to the 17th century Dutch colony New Netherland which was also called Nova Belgica or Novum Belgium in Latin.
Seeds of this plant must have been transported to The Netherlands by botanists and the Dutch West India Company. In the Flora Batava (published in 1800) the New York aster is already considered native to The Netherlands.
Plants tell an amazing story of global trade and bloody conquests. In 2021 the New York aster is a source of nectar for our local bees and butterflies.
Pieris rapae butterfly or “witje” in Dutch. Native to the Eastern Mediterranean in Europe this butterfly has spread all over the world by accidental introduction.
New Netherland map published by Nicolaes Visscher II (1649–1702).
Flora Batava 1800