Mapping a garden
It’s time for a scientific approach. I will have to map all major plants to even know what’s growing in the garden. Plant names according to Linnaean taxonomy or in Dutch.
Front yard:
Rose garden
Salix caprea Boswilg. Native.
Prunus serrulata Japanse sierkers. China, Korea, Japan. Flowers in May.
Rhododendron (3x) China, Korea, Japan. Flowers in May.
Malus domestica Apple. Central Asia.
Cytisus scoparius Brem. Native. Flowers in May.
Chelidonium majus Stinkende gouwe. Native. Flowers from May.
Pieris japonica Rotsheide. East Asia, Japan.
Laburnum anagyroides Goudenregen. Middle and South Europe.
Wisteria Blauweregen. United States, China, Korea, Japan.
Berberis aquifolium Mahonie. North America.
Heptacodium miconioides 七子花. Seven son flower. China.
Impatiens parviflora Klein springzaad. I consider this weed.
Side yard:
Prunus padus Gewone vogelkers. Native.
Syringa vulgaris Sering. Southeastern Europe.
Euonymus europaeus Wilde kardinaalsmuts. Native.
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vijfbladige wingerd. Eastern USA.
Thuja occidentalis Westerse levensboom. East Canada, Northeastern USA.
Buddleja davidii Vlinderstruik. China.
Berberis julianae
Camellia japonica Eastern and southern Asia.
Forsythia Forsythia. Balkan - China.
Back yard:
Herb garden: Thymus vulgaris
Geranium macrorrhizum (groundcover) Rotsooievaarsbek. Native to the South east Alps and the Balkans.
Chaenomeles japonica Japanse sierkwee.
Sambucus nigra Gewone vlier.
Amelanchier canadensis Canadees krentenboompje. Native to eastern North America.
Viburnum opulus Gelderse roos.
Lonicera Kamperfoelie.
Ribes rubrum Aalbes. Redcurrant.
Pyrus "Nous vous offrons ce que nous avons de meilleur: nos vins, nos poires et nos cœurs".
Juglans regia Probably a stray walnut. I will have to remove this because we can’t have another tree.
Geranium robertianum Robertskruid
Annual plants:
∞ Mystic Garden ∞
A garden should be a living garden. “Spargelzeit”, was a tradition each springtime when the asparagus are in season. Fresh from the farmer in Germany, just across the border. You don’t need much. Just the asparagus, clarified butter, new potatoes, ham and hard boiled egg.
In June the garden resembles the poppy fields of Afghanistan.
Early springtime has become a distant memory.