Never have vaccines been more controversial as during the 2020 - 2022 pandemic. Yet vaccines have been part of our lives from the moment we were born. I have a comprehensive list of all the vaccines I had during my lifetime. My yellow booklet “International Certificate of Vaccination against yellow fever” (which also holds other vaccinations) from before 1992 has been lost during the airplane crash, therefore I have to guess my 1991 vaccines when I traveled to Kenya.
My childhood vaccines
8 March 1970: Small pox (Doha, Qatar).
April 1970: Diphtheria - Tetanus - Whooping Cough & Oral Polio. First dose (Doha, Qatar).
May 1970: Diphtheria - Tetanus - Whooping Cough. Second dose (Doha, Qatar).
June 1970: Diphtheria - Tetanus - Whooping Cough. Third dose. Oral Polio. Second dose (Doha, Qatar).
Age 18 months: Diphtheria - Tetanus - Whooping Cough & Oral Polio. Reinforcing dose Fourth dose.
14 June 1973. D. K. T. P. Booster (Winterswijk Netherlands).
27 October 1978. D.T.P. Booster (Winterswijk Netherlands).
20 Juli 1982. Tetanus, Netherlands (Winterswijk Netherlands).
Variola (small pox) virus
The vaccines I had for my travels to Kenya, Egypt, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and Thailand.
1991: Yellow Fever and Hepatitis A vaccine, possibly BMR.
1 July 1995: Diphtheria-Tetanus-Poliomyelitis.
17 May 1995: Typhim Vi 0,5 ml.
17 May 1995: Hepatitis Propylaxe gamma-globuline 2 ml.
18 April 1997: Cholera.
18 April 1997: Meningovax 0,5 ml.
18 April 1997: Havrix, hepatitis A vaccine. 1 ml.
18 May 2001: 2e hepatitis A vaccine.
18 May 2001: Yellow Fever Vaccine, 0,5 ml.
29 May 2017: DTP.
13 June 2017: BMR, 1 ml.
Transmission electron microscopic image of an isolate from the first U.S. case of COVID-19, formerly known as 2019-nCoV. The spherical viral particles, colorized blue, contain cross-section through the viral genome, seen as black dots.
Influenza vaccine, once a year since 2018.
COVID-19 vaccines:
11 May 2021: Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech, 0,3 ml.
16 June 2021: Comirnaty, Pfizer/BioNTech, 0,3 ml.
13 December 2021: Spikevax (Moderna), 0,25 ml (Germany).
9 July 2022: Moderna, 0,25 ml. I lied about getting my third vaccine in Germany in December 2021. For the Dutch authorities my fourth dose is my third dose (booster). I wasn’t allowed to get my fourth dose in The Netherlands because my age is below 60.
22 October 2022: Comirnaty, 15 mcg Original, 15 mcg Omicron BA.4-5. Since The Netherlands was using the Omicron BA.1 vaccine, which also protects well enough. Data doesn’t show a significant difference between the BA.4-5 and BA.1-vaccine. But because I could opt for Germany getting the Omicron BA.4-5 vaccine made more sense.
13 October 2023. mRNA-vaccin XBB1.5 van Pfizer/BioNtech. XBB1.5 was already sequenced in 2022. XBB.1.5 is a descendent lineage of XBB, which is a recombinant of two BA.2 descendent lineages.