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Tour de Achterhoek

In Thailand I felt silly I was hesitating to rent a scooter. I never rode one of these machines. Now I finally did, close to home. I rented a Taiwanese SYM Cello in Groenlo from a rental company called Tour de Achterhoek. Technically this was "snorfiets" according to Dutch law (the word "snorfiets" in the law dates from 1974, colloquially you would say "snorscooter"), which means the maximum speed is 25 km/h, there is no obligation to wear a helmet and the number plate is blue. Technically there is not much difference between a "snorscooter" and a "bromscooter", which can go up to 45 km/h and carries a yellow number plate. Both fall in the category "bromfiets" and can be driven with driver's license B, which automatically is also licence AM (bromfiets) and even license T (tractors).

It was kinda fun. First thing I had to learn is to reduce speed in the curves. On my bicycle I am used to take curves quite fast but a scooter is so much more heavier. Now I can rent a scooter in Asia and not die instantly in local traffic.

Parked at the pig farm (H)eerlijk Vlees near Groenlo. The family raises pigs, who get slaughtered at slaughterhouse Beerten in Zieuwent. The meat is sold at the farm behind that green door.