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Teri kacang

An Indonesian side dish. The word literally means anchovy (teri) peanuts (kacang). There are three components: fried small anchovy, fried peanuts and a bumbu spice mixture.

Grind below ingredients together to a fine paste (bumbu):
25 cloves of small shallot
5 cloves of garlic
100 grams of lombok
2 handfuls of red chili

Prepare below ingredients:
3 cm galangal (smashed)
8 kaffir lime leaves
50 grams of palm sugar
1 tablespoon tamarind with a little water

Fry 200 gram peanuts with skin.
Fry 200 gram salted anchovy (they should be about 3 cm long) until crispy.

Fry the bumbu in oil, add (in this order): galangal, kaffir leaves, palm sugar, add tamarind with the water. Fry until the oil separates.
Add the anchovy and peanuts, mix and cool. This will keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks.

Teri asin

Work lunch.