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Zuppa di soffritto napoletana

My Italian neighbour invites me for dinner now and then. Once a year he receives a cooled box of zuppa di soffritto napoletana through his network of Italian friends who import Italian foodstuff to The Netherlands. It’s basically smuggled in a cooled truck along with the regular export and import products. Because of the ingredients this dish is even rare in Napoli nowadays. Every year he shares the soffritto with me. This year, the shipment didn’t get through for unknown reasons. I told my neighbour that if he gave me the recipe, we would cook it together. The status of this project is still at the stage of “a list of ingredients”.

The recipe:
1,5 Kg di coratella di maiale (polmone, trachea, cuore e milza); 250 gr di pancetta fresca, 300 gr di concentrato di pomodoro, 2 cucchiai d'olio, 100 gr di strutto (sugna), 1/2 peperoncino forte, 180 gr di salsa di peperoni rossi, 4 foglie di alloro, 1 rametto di rosmarino, sale. From the book: "La cucina napoletana”, Ricetta n° 57.

This is the list of ingredients in English:

1,5 kg of pork offal (lung, windpipe, heart and spleen).
250 gram fresh bacon.
300 gram concentrated tomatoes.
2 table spoons of olive oil.
100 gram lard.
1/2 strong chili.
180 gram red peppers (paprika) mashed to a smooth paste.
4 bay leafs.
1 twig of rosemary .