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Yache Twigim 야채튀김

Twigim (튀김) are deep-fried dishes in Korean. Yache Twigim 야채튀김 are vegetable fries. 

They are easy to make. For the batter you will need:

120 gram all-purpose flour, 240 gram frying batter mix (튀김가루 Twigim Gahroo) and 600 ml cold water.

Or: 300 gram flour + 60 gram cornstarch + 1 beaten egg + 600 ml cold water + 1 tsp salt in case you cannot buy Twigim Gahroo.

For the vegetables you can use yellow onion (sliced), sweet potato (Gogooma 고구마), carrots, green onion or whole green peppers. I had Yache Twigim for breakfast in Busan in a small local market. Serve with soy vinegar dipping sauce.